
Rev. Mons. Pere Oliver Vives

Canon responsible for Pastoral

Rev. Mons. Francesc Ramis Darder

Responsible for evangelisation

Rev. Mons. Antoni Vera Díaz

Responsible for baptisms


The Cathedral offers baptisms for children on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month at 18:00 (there are no baptisms during Lent).

Registration in the Cathedral’s offices.

Preparation: training for parents and godparents will be provided once a month.

Confirmation of adults

Contact the canon responsible for pastoral directly at [email protected] for any of the sacraments of Christian Initiation of Adults: baptism, confirmation and Eucharist. A personalised process will be provided.


Consult the times of cult:  
  • First Communion: at the times of services, except for Sundays at 10:30.
  • Wedding anniversaries (25 and 50 years): at the times of services, except for Sundays at 10:30.
  • Prayers for the dead: at the times of services on any day, except for Sundays at 10:30.


Saturdays and Sundays, 30 minutes before Mass, or by requesting confession at the entrance or in the sacristy of the Cathedral.

Canon penitentiary: The Reverend Monsignor Ramón Lladó, will attend to you in the parish church of Santa Catalina Thomas, where he is rector.



If you want to be married in the Cathedral:
  • Book a date in advance at the Cathedral office. You will be given information there about the requirements for the marriage file.
  • Days available for weddings:
    • Fridays, 19:00
    • Saturdays, 17:00 or 20:00
    • There is an option of the Capilla de la Seu choir or its soloists to sing, or soloists, quartet, octet, or the entire choir.
Marriage preparation course (Open to all)
  • Course 1: Start on October 6th and 20th, November 3rd and 17th, December 1st and 15th, 2024, at 8:00 PM, Sundays.
  • Course 2: Start on January 24th, February 7th and 21st, March 7th and 21st, and April 4th, 2025, at 8:00 PM, Fridays.
Advance registration is necessary Register at: [email protected] Download the registration form for the course.

Christian Initiation for Adults

If you are an adult who has encountered Jesus but has not received the sacraments of Christian initiation: BAPTISM, CONFIRMATION, AND EUCHARIST, we offer you the opportunity to prepare to receive them at the next Easter.

Get information or send us your details, and we will contact you: [email protected]

The Cathedral has the: Capilla de la Seu This choir usually performs on Sundays at 10:30 and at any celebrations where it is invited to participate.

The Capilla de la Seu can also participate in your birthday, wedding, etc. celebration. Contact: [email protected]

Escolanía dels Vermells

The Escolanía choir participates once a month in the 10:30 Mass (2nd Sunday) and the 12:00 Mass (4th Sunday). The Escolanía rests in the months of July and August.

Director: Gloria Berón.

Do you want to join the Escolanía? Register

Choirs If you are a member of a choir and you wish to sing in the Cathedral, contact us at: [email protected]


  • Bartomeu Mut
  • Miquel Bennàsar